Squeaky Pops Popsicle Play Date

Some of my most vivid memories involve my childhood and summertime. I grew up in a small town where there wasn’t a lot to do, so most of our summer days were spent running through the sprinklers and eating popsicles. Some of my favorites were Otter-pops, Big Sticks, Orange Creamies and of course those delicious Coconut Pops from the ice cream truck! Something about eating popsicles makes me feel all nostalgic and carefree, like a kid again! We thought we would try and recreate some of that magical childhood bliss with a pop up play date with some of the yummiest popsicles around….Squeaky Pops!

As moms we love Squeaky Pops approach to making healthy all natural popsicles, that still taste delicious! It’s always a bonus when we don’t have to feel guilty about letting our kids have seconds! ;)


We loved teaming up with the adorable Kallie Flexman of The Flexman Flat and her darling girls to make this party extra sweet!  The girls had a blast playing on the beach and pretending to sell each other popsicles. The homemade popsicle stand and custom “Squeaky Pop” aprons made for a picture perfect summer day playing in the sun.

Whether you are planning a summer birthday party or a backyard BBQ, the Popsicle theme is sure to make memories that won’t fade when summer is gone!

Thank you to our lovely photographer Sarah Eichstedt for capturing what summer is all about!